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Halkey Roberts, Push/Push & Zodiac Zoom Universal Air Valve Adapter for Inflatable Boats & SUP’s, SP138. 3/4″ Pump Hose

Fits most inflatable boat valves with a bayonet twist and lock connection and a 3/4" diameter pump hose. The bayonet connections will fit many inflatables such as AB inflatables, Caribe, Nautica and Mercury Inflatables or any brand that uses Halkey Roberts or push-push inflatable boat valves.

Halkey Roberts Inflatable Boat Valve (Part #690NSBV), Single Valve, Gray or White

Halkey Roberts Inflatable Boat valve. Available in Gray or White.

Halkey Roberts and Push Push Valve, Metal Valve Tool for Inflatable Boats

Metal Halkey Roberts Valve Tool. Fits old and new style Halkey Roberts Valve, Caribe and AB Push Push valves as well as Bravo 2005 Valve.

Inner Hull Drain Plug with Housing for Inflatable RIB Boats

Inner Hull Inflatable Boat Drain Plug with Housing - Generic

Inflatable Boat Drain Plug Assembly Kit, with 7/8″ Flip-Up Drain Plug

 Inflatable Boat Transom Drain Plug Assembly Kit with Flip-Up Plug.

Highfield Inflatable Boat Valve (Part #690NSBV), Single Valve, Gray or White

Highfield Inflatable Boat valve. Available in Gray or White.